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June 2019 Monthly Meeting Highlights

Published on 6/22/2019

Thank you to our chapter members and guests who came out on June 8th for our monthly business meeting in spite of the heavy rainfall. One of our many highlights of the meeting was our scholarship presentation to our 4 recipients (several were not present). Congratulations to two of the young men that received an additional $1,500 each from our newly inducted and generous President Pamela McMichael on behalf of her non-profit. It was a blessing to see those students honored by ASU DeKalb in the presence of their proud parents who also became Associate members of the chapter!! Thank you, parents, for your intentional support of Albany State.  As we all know this was also the last meeting with our former President Maria Boynton who is now the newly elected VP and Immediate Past President and what a better way to bow out gracefully than by winning our signature 50/50 raffle not once, but twice!! Maria was so ecstatic as she accepted her prizes and congratulated the other winners. She also gave us a heartfelt farewell for our support during her tenure as ASU DeKalb’s Chapter President. Our beloved and long-time supporter of ASU DeKalb, Ruby Crews expressed her gratitude and her thoughts on Maria's impact as ASU DeKalb President. Ms. Ruby highlighted how Maria always made it her duty to make sure that the world knew about Albany State University through her amazing influence and numerous acknowledgements of Albany State in the press and on the radio. Thank you Maria for letting the world know how much you adore your alma mater and your undying support and contributions to Albany State and ASU DeKalb. We're thankful to have you again as our VP.

In conclusion, our meeting concluded with our induction of our newly appointed ASU DeKalb Chapter Officers for the 2019-2021 term. Congratulations to our following officers: 
Pamela McMichael, President 
Maria Boynton, Vice President
Debra Lemons Dixon, Secretary
Michelle Jones, Treasurer 
Linda Clark, Corresponding Secretary
Kim Geter, Financial Secretary
Lequvia Ousley, Reporter
Angela Arnold, Parliamentarian
Keith Hammond, Chaplain 

We look forward to many great moments ahead with these amazing #GoldenRams. Thank you again to those who previously served tirelessly in their roles. Your efforts were greatly appreciated and have helped ASU Dekalb grow into what it is today. Thank you to our new members who joined. If you want to be a part of what ASU DeKalb is doing whether it is by donation or volunteering, please join us at our upcoming meetings and events. Our next meeting is

Saturday- August 10, 2019 10:30AM
The Exchange Park
2771 Columbia Drive, Decatur, GA 30034

 We’re looking forward to seeing you!

Lequvia Ousley ASU '08
Chapter Reporter